
               PACIFIC BUSSAN CO., LTD.
                 2-4-39 Omotecho, Okayama City 700-0822, JAPAN
          Phone:+81-86-226-5228 Fax:+81-86-224-3222 E-mail:mas@optic.or.jp

                                        Date: December 18, 2002
                                             Order No.14-001
                  SALES CONTRACT


This is to confirm our SALE to you as Buyer, and your PURCHASE from us as Seller, of the undermentioned Goods subject to all of the terms and conditions on the face and reverse side hereof, which are expressly agreed by you.

   Description of Goods    Quantity     Unit Price      Amount

                    Plastic Toys(HS: 9503.49)
    #15 Plastic Toys      3000 dozen     US$5.oo-/dozen  US15,000.oo-
                                   Insurance PremiumUS$25.oo-
                                     Ocean FreightUS$350.oo-
                                             CIP Chicago, USA

Price: CIP Chicago, USA, in US currency
Payment: By a Draft at sight under an Irrevocable Letter of Credit to be opened within 10 days from the date of this Contract
Shipment: To be shipped per conference boat sailing on or about January 15, 2003 from Kobe to Seattle, thence to OCP Chicago, Illinois, USA
 Transshipment is permitted. Partial Shipment is not allowed.
Packing: Each piece in Polly bag, each dozen to be wrapped in paper and 24 dozen to be packed in an export carton. Each piece to be marked "Made in Japan"
Insurance: To be covered for 110% of the CIP price against All Risks up to Chicago
Inspection: Factory's inspection before shipment to be final
Special Terms & Conditions: Seller shall procure IPI service from Seattle to Chicago.
Certificates:the following certificates are required:
 Cetificate of Origine in duplicate
Shipping Marks: To be marked as follows:
   TI in diamond
   Chicago, USA
   C/# 1-up
   Made in Japan
Shipping Samples: One doz to be sent by EMS before shipment.

Please return to us the duplicate duly signed by you.

Accepted and confirmed by:
Seller                            Buyer
PACIFIC BUSSAN CO., LTD.                  TOYS, INC.

Masaaki Nagamitsu, President & CEO

裏面へ     TOPへ

OCP(Overland Common Point) :米大陸ロッキー山脈を境としてカナダのマニトバ州、米国のノースダコタ、サウスダコタ、ネブラスカ、コロラド、ニューメキシコの諸州以東の米国、カナダの内陸部を指す。太平洋諸港で陸揚げされ、これらの地域へ鉄道輸送される貨物をOCP貨物といい、OCP貨物にはOCPレートという割安な海上運賃が適用される。これは北米東岸揚げ貨物との競争力の均衡を図ることを目的とした政策的運賃。OCP地域より西の太平洋岸寄りの地域をLocal Pointとよびこれらの地域向けの貨物にはLocalレートが適用される
IPI(Interior Point Intermodal) :船社発行の海陸一貫通しB/Lで、太平洋岸諸港経由、日本・極東と米国内陸主要都市を結ぶコンテナ輸送サービス