輸出者用英文 |
取引の誘引:すぐ使える簡単明瞭な例文 Re: STATIONERIES Offering you the following at greatly reduced prices-Each of the following prices is FCA Kansai Airport: 1) School Bags made of PVC starting from US$1.00-/pc 2) Briefcase made of PVC starting from US$5.oo-/pce Very good payment terms to our regular buyers are given and they may always inspect the goods before shipment. Please visit our following website to see our items above-mentioned: http://www.nagamitsu.com/ Your own samples for our duplicating are always welcome. |
自社紹介の例文 例1:For more than fifty years we have engaged in exporting又はmanufacturing Japanese Textile Goods. 例2:For more than fifty years we have been established here as General Exporters and Importers dealing chiefly in the following products: 扱い製品列挙 例3:We have established ourselves as Importers and Exporters of Japanese Textile Goods. |
© Masaaki Nagamitsu 2003